I like to call myself a “Beauty Traveler” as I take any opportunity to search and try new products and brands whenever I travel. And I relentlessly browse online stores, globally. This is how the name of the blog naturally came. It both fits me and the purpose of the blog.
Now in my 40’s, I was born and raised in France and have been living abroad for years.
I have a full time job that I like a lot and which fulfills some aspects of my personality. But makeup and cosmetics at large are outlets for me to express and develop my very humble creativity. The very process of doing my makeup (almost) every morning is so much pleasing to me, deeply relaxing, almost “contemplative”. I like the colors, the textures, the packaging. I basically like everything about it. I kept this passion to myself for so long. Then came the Internet (yes, I was born before the Internet even existed!) and social medias, which became tremendous sources of information. And I realized that a whole community – worldwide – was sharing my love for makeup and beauty.
I should stop rambling and get to the point. So, why launching a blog now? I have been thinking about this project for a long time, but haven’t taken the plunge until now for different reasons. Now more than ever, I feel the need to express myself, open and share a creative window to the outside world.
Doing extensive research, trying new products, exploring new brands, even contemplating doing other people’s makeup has become such a continuous process and pleasure that I came to the conclusion that maybe it was about time I share. Maybe the information I have been collecting will be useful to other beauty lovers, to you? Who knows?
But what’s new here compared to the myriad of already existing beauty blogs, anyway? Well, I simply envision this platform as a resource for hard-to-find mostly beauty, but also lifestyle, products and brands. The Internet has made it possible to have access to a lot more products and brands globally, especially within the last 5-10 years. But sometimes it requires countless hours of research to manage to find specific items.
I present and review products and brands based on my personal criteria and experience of the European and US markets as an individual consumer. And hopefully I can help you find products and brands you are looking for, wherever you are located.
I mostly write about makeup but also about skincare, addressing more specifically my own skin concerns: dry, prone to redness and sensitivity, signs of aging. From time to time, I may also publish about lifestyle and fragrances.
This blog is my own little space, the platform I use to express and develop my (still very humble) creativity. This is something I have fun with and which makes me happy, among many other things that already fulfill me.
And all the better if my content happens to be helpful, and you find it interesting and entertaining!
The Beauty Traveler